These images are typically at the top of the page when shopping for a product on a retail site. They help you quickly scroll through & learn a little bit more about the product with fun, colorful graphics. When designing these, we decided to color code them based on which category they're in (DeShed, Bathe, Maintain, or Brush). This helps the consumers easily compare products with one another while still knowing what they're buying.
These images are typically at the top of the page when shopping for a product on a retail site. They help you quickly scroll through & learn a little bit more about the product with fun, colorful graphics. When designing these, we decided to color code them based on which category they're in (DeShed, Bathe, Maintain, or Brush). This helps the consumers easily compare products with one another while still knowing what they're buying.

These images & information are below where the gallery images typically sit. They help give more information about the product, show you a great bundle option, and list a few other products they sell that might be similar to what you're looking for.